Monday, July 25, 2011

OH! SU, You have Called my Name

Well, I figure the time has come for an update. Don't expect many updates until medical school starts, as not much is really happening. I could probably surf the web for the most mentally stimulating articles about medicine, but alas, I don't really want to spend that much time in front of this square screen. I expect I may end up doing more of that in the future.

Anywho, to the meat of this post. I am no longer attending DMU. I was kicked out before I even started. Supposedly, I was the first student to have done so. So, as that is the case, OHSU had compassion on me and gave me a spot in the incoming class. I am sure you all are wondering "How did he get kicked out?" Well, I will have to work out the details on that story, but when I do, I will get back to you ;). In all honesty, I actually gave up my spot at DMU as I made it into OHSU off of the waitlist. Somehow, OHSU went through an unprecedented amount of waitlist spots and found their way to me, at #96. All I can say is...God is good. 

The unfortunate event about this is, I had already signed a lease on an apartment in Iowa, and am now responsible for the first two months of rent (the consequences of signing a lease before you actually have the intent of moving). So, if anybody is moving to Iowa, and wants a one bedroom apartment with french doors, I have one available for 545 a month! Once I was accepted into OHSU, I faced the problem of finding someplace to live. Now, I don't know if you have ever been to OHSU, but it is in the worst possible place one could put a hospital, so trying to find a place to live that has a minimal commute time, is cheap, and not sketchy is a difficult thing to do. Well, I have done so. I found a first year dental student looking for a roommate. So I took him up on his offer, and my new apartment is 900 ft from school, only 412 a month (for my half) and in pretty good condition. AWESOME!

Well, that is it for least until I start orientation on August 15th (or classes on Aug 22nd). Adios!

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